Sunday, 28 September 2014

Maybelline Color Show Nail Lacquer

Okay I admit it, I fell for the 3 for 2 offer in boots this weekend! #guilty Sure look, I'm only human LOL...

But I'm excited to tell you about the great purchases I made! I bought 3 of Maybellines Color Show Nail Lacquers.

  • The first one is what I like to call a mermaid blue colour which is funny because it's called 'Ocean Blue'.
  • Secondly a deep purple colour called 'Noite De Gal' , I know it will be used a lot coming into the winter months!
  • And last but not least a top coat that is part of the 'Street Art' range called 'White Splatter'!

'Ocean Blue' with top coat 'White Splatter'

So what'the difference between Nail Lacquer And Nail Polish, I hear you ask??
Well since you asked...
I find nail lacquer dries much faster than regular nail polish. When I use nail polish I try to be really careful for at least an hour afterwards because it's always sticky but when I used the lacquer it was dry completely within 60 seconds! So it would be perfect if you leave getting ready till the last minute like myself and always end up smudging your nails running out the door...
Also Nail lacquer is said to be stronger then nail polish which means it doesn't chip as fast. I seem to have nails that chip 2 minutes after painting my nails so anything that prevents chipping is good in my eyes:)

They still do the same job at the end of the day but I did like using the lacquer and could even get away without a top coat because it came up really shiny when it dried!

The Maybelline Color show range was the offical nail color of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York!

On the Maybelline website it says for best results apply a base coat but I find when I have no base coat it lasts longer because when the nail is dry and you paint it, the color sticks to your nail more. 

'Noite De Gal' with top coat 'White Splatter' 

I really loved the top coat 'White Splatter', I used two-three coats and it turned out really funky. It looks like someone spray painted my nails and turned out like a graffiti wall!
So if you find yourself in boots taken in by the 3 for 2 offers I would really recommend these nail lacquers!


Thursday, 25 September 2014

Nail Art Trio in 5 Simple Steps!

The wonderful Sarah Scott owner of the blog asked me to be a guest blogger while she was away in Florida! If you love finding out about the lastest beauty buys and knowing about the best dupes (including the naked palette!) you would love reading all the adventures she gets up to!
You can also check out this post over at Beauty Blunders if you click the link up there.^^^^ 
So I've put together a trio of Nail tutorials were you can create the designs yourself in 5 or less simple steps.
I used fake nails because my nails are abit short atm. I prefare working with longer nails anyways so its win-win situation LOL.

 These are all the materials I used...

These nails are GREAT! I got them in pennys for €1.50, bargain I know! I got the nude ones because they are easier to paint over. I picked out different nail sizes and stuck them on a nail wheel with blue tack so they would be easier to paint.

First design: The 'Yin-Yang'. 

Step one: Paint the nail using a thick white polish. I used a 'Barry M' white and did 3 coats. Some whites can be watery so make sure you do enough coats to make sure no other colours are popping through. 
Step two: I got a brush and painted the swirl of the yin-yang on the nail using black acrylic paint. 
Step three: When this dried in I painted one half of the nail black.
Step four: I then got a black and white dotting tool and made a big dot in the opposite colour from the half I was painting. 
Step five: Wait until dry and apply a clear top coat 

Second design: 'Aztec'

Step One: Using a thin brush, paint two or three (depending on the length of your nail) black lines going across the nail. Don't worry if it's a tad messy we can fix it up laters;) 
Step Two: Fill in the marked off boxes with whatever colour you like. I choose an aqua green and reddish colour.
Step Three: Go over the black lines you originally painted and now try make them as straight as you can.
Step Four: Using black and white dotting tools and brushes design the colours you just painted with dots, lines, zigzags whatever you like. Get creative and make it your own!. I went simple and just painted zig zags and poka dots. 
Step Five: Wait till dry and apply a clear top coat.

Third design: 'Cheetah Print' #RAWR

Step One: Pick the colour/colours you want the cheetah dots to be. Make a few scattered dots (not too thick) all over the nail. Don't be afraid to mess up because it's all trial and error and about seeing what works and what doesn't.
Step two: Make little semi-circles using a black dotting tool around the coloured dots. It looks better if the semi-circles don't meet and there's a gap between them.
Step Three: Fill in the rest of the nail with little black squiggles and dots. 
Step Four: Wait till dry and paint with a clear coat.


The end result looks a little something like this...

I would love if you tried out some of these designs and tagged me on instagram @brightwithdelight or on twitter @karenmccord94 .
Stay tuned to my instagram account as I will be posting a short video on how to create these and more nail designs!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Attention Coffee Lovers- There's a New Kid In Town!

Machta Tea & Lattes

Us Irish are known for loving a good owl cuppa, it's the remedy for almost everything! A cold, a broken heart or even a fight with a friend.
What if I told you there's a new type of tea/coffee on the scene that offers you 137 times the amount of antioxidants than your regular cup of green tea? It goes by the name of 'Machta'...
 And with the new 'health buzz' which seems to be the 'in' thing these days it's no wonder it's become so popular in Ireland. Kaph on Drury street is said to sell 300 machtas a week!

Machta Latte

Machta was first used in Japan by Monks who needed to remain calm but focused throughout their day of meditation.
 It's high in L-Theanine, which is an amino acid that actually promotes relaxation and well-being AND improves the brains functioning. It is the highest quality powdered green tea available.
When you drink Matcha tea you take in the whole leaf not just diluted water like green tea. It has also been nicknamed the 'natural cocaine' because it gives you SIX hours of energy, similar to coffee without the jitters and crash afterwards. 

 Some of the benefits of Machta Include:

  1. ·Stress Relief 
  2. ·Natural Energy Boost
  3. ·Fortifies the Immune System
  4. ·Fights against viruses and bacteria
  5. ·Rich in fiber
  6. ·High in antioxidants
  7. ·Boosts metabolism
  8. ·Enhances Calm
  9. ·Boosts Memory and Concentration
  10. ·Detoxifies the Body

In Japan they add it into everything, including KIT-KATS!! It’s probably not long before those magic kit-kats make their way over to us in Europe!

 My Experience 
After hearing about this magic new coffee I decided to buy a Machta Latte from Póg on Bachelors Walk during my lunch break! I am a self-confessed coffee addict and couldn't wait to try it out. I was expecting a coffee taste but it tasted nothing like coffee lol It didn't taste like green tea either which is a good thing in my eyes because I’m not a big fan of the taste green tea! It reminded me of warm milk as it had just the right amount of sweetness. I wouldn't say it was 'bad' but it was different. I did feel really, REALLY awake for the day like I had an unlimited supply of energy and I was even more excitable and giddy than usual. It was nice but just not what I was expecting. I would probably need to try it again to 100% know fo shizzle if I like it.

You can also make your own Machta tea at home by buying supplies from most health shops but it's kinda pricey which is why most people just buy it in cafés. 

Make your own Machta Tea

These are some places I know of in Dublin that sell it:

·Kaph - South Inner City 31 Drury Street, Dublin 2
·Oolong Flower Power Tea Shop - South Inner City, 4 Stephen Street Lower, Dublin 2
·Tea Garden -North Inner City, 7 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1
·Oya Café- 7 A Richmond Street South, Dublin 2
·KC Peaches - South Inner City, 2829 Nassau Street,Dublin 2
·Cracked Nut - 71 Camden Street, Dublin 2
·Póg - North Inner City, 32 Bachelors Walk, Dublin

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

20 Quotes for 20 years...

So it's the week of my 20th birthday. I am well and truly classified an adult now! But you know what they say, you never really grow up, you just learn how to behave in public.  Ha Ha!
 Growing up and accepting I've a lot more responsibility is scary, but that's just life. It is all part of this wonderful journey I am on and instead of being afraid of my twenties and growing up I say 'BRING IT ON'...

Teenage years are challenging for most people, with trying to 'figure out' who you are combined with a bunch of people, magazines and the world trying to tell you who you are 'supposed' to be.

The last two years have thought me a lot about what is really important in life.
We don't need to 'fit in' to any category that has been created to try label us as a certain 'type' of person, whether it be gay, party pooper, book worm, fat, skinny, small, tall etc. the list could go on forever.
 EVERY person on this earth (that means you) is unique and beautiful in their own way. No two people are the same, which means generalising a certain group of people just doesn't make sense. We need to get to know and accept every person we meet for them.

I wish I seen things as clearly in my teens as I do now because it would of made things a hell of a lot easier!
But I'm glad I know what I know now and want to share with you all my top 20 favourite quotes which are a nice reminder of life and the things that really matter :)

1.      "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"-Dr.Seuss
Life is waaaaay too short to be wasting energy and worrying about what other people think of you. Don't waste time trying to be anyone but you. There are some people on this earth that no matter what you do they will always find something to criticize you about. What you think of yourself is the most important opinion of all.

2.      "Everything will work out in the end, if it doesn't work out it isn't the end" -The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
When you think life just isn't going your way and nothing is working out, remember this is not how your story will end! There is always tomorrow. Life will turn around all you need is a little bit of trust and patience.

3.      "What is meant for you won't pass you."
When I think of all the things in the past I worried about, everything always worked out as it should (even though it may not be what I originally planned/wanted). So trust the universe we are part of a bigger plan. Go with the natural current of your life.

 4.  "Do something today your future self will thank you for"
I have so many dreams that just seem too big to ever reach or achieve but as they say 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. Things take time and achieving your dreams doesn't just happen overnight. So instead do something small every day that will get you closer to what you want the most. :)

5.      "Start each day with a grateful heart"
I am sometimes guilty of focusing on what I don't have in my life rather than all the wonderful and beautiful gifts, people, talents and things I DO HAVE! We are a lot richer than we realise. Good things happen everyday, no matter how small! It could be as simple as getting the green man to cross the road twice in a row LOL When we count out blessings not our worries the world seems like a lighter and nicer place to live.

6.     "Be yourself, no one can say you’re doing it wrong."
Don't waste time pretending to be someone else so you can 'fit in'. By being yourself you attract similar people into your life. I would rather be myself and have no one rather than pretend to be someone else and live a life that is a lie.

7.      "Never give up you don't know who you're inspiring!"

This has to be one of my favourite pictures ever. When times get tough and the easiest thing to do seems like giving up, DON'T! The toughest times bring the best learning's and arise their ugly ahead just before you reach your goal! Moral of the story -never give up till you get what you want J

8. "Always believe something amazing will happen."
Rather the thinking of all the things that could go wrong such as 'I'm going to fail this exam', ' I won't be able to get a job' etc etc. Think of all the wonderful things that could go RIGHT! What you think you attract. Thinking of the things that could go right is a much nicer and better way to spend your time and energy on, AND imagine if they actually came true? Allow yourself to dream.

9.      "If you are sad you're living in the past, if you're stressed you're living in the future, if you are at peace you’re living in the present."-Lao Tzu
How amazing is it to think at this very moment you are safe, nothing is wrong. Don't think about what might or might not happen tomorrow or next week you can deal with it then. Right now breathe and feel peace knowing you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

10. "The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come."
Over analysing is like a parasite. Thinking about what I could have done or said in different situations, playing moments over and over in my head doesn't change it or make a situation any better. The past is the past and I can never go back to that moment again. It serves no purpose to my present moment so the best thing to do is learn from the past and move on.

11.   "Everyday... holds the possibility of a miracle"
Each day is a new beginning. It's exciting to think we have no idea what could happen in our day! We could meet the love of our life or meet someone who will one day be a friend you can't live without! Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you.

12. 'Life is like a ship, you sail it in whatever direction you choose'
You are in control of your life, no one else. The decisions you make every day mould you into the person you are and dictate your direction and path in life. If you aren't happy with the way thing are going change it! In the past I've spent too much time focusing on the people around me, but now it’s time to make decisions by me for me! 'Life is a journey, enjoy it!


13.  "Tears are natural pain killers"
Wow well what can I say...? I cry when I'm happy, sad, and angry you name it lol I'm surprised my tear ducts haven't ran out yet! People sometimes think they shouldn't cry or that it's a bad thing but personally I feel a lot better after letting it out then moving on. When you don't know what to say tears can say it all.

14. "There's always the option of deciding for yourself who you are and what you'll become" -Jodi Meadows
The world is full of opportunities to do whatever your heart desires! The options are endless. When you find out who you are and what you want from your life and what you want your purpose to be, GO FOR IT! Go for it and don't let anyone try to talk you out of it. YOU DECIDE how you want your journey to go.

15.   "I'd rather be someone’s shot of tequila rather than someone’s cup of tea"
Not everyone you meet will like you, so why stress yourself out trying to make them like you? People will always find a way to talk down your brilliance but don't let them. Keep your head hide and continue doing what's right for YOU! By being yourself it will attract those into your life that compliment your values and actions not talk them down. :)

16.   Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.- Oscar Wilde
How do I want to be remembered? This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. I want to be remembered as someone who was kind to everyone I met, a great friend, and a good laugh and never let anything keep her down! I believe everyone has an energy around that shifts the energy in a room when they enter, I want my energy to be one full of enthusiasm and laughter!

17.   "What’s the point of rushing getting things done if you can't enjoy it?"
Life is busy with lots of things to do throughout the day but what’s the worst that could happen if we were to slow down and actually enjoy the little things during the day we would normally dismiss because we are so busy busy busy...

18.   "Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you're right"
The mind is a powerful too, we choose what we think is right and wrong in the world. Because we think a certain way doesn't make it true. Use your powerful tool to benefit you and your life- if you can dream it you can achieve it!

19."Never say anything about yourself you don't want to come true"
Last Christmas I got this book called the secret. It is about how we create our lives by minds. What we think we attract. Those who speak most of illness have illness; those who speak of wealth attract wealth. It just made sense to me when I read it. What I learnt from this book is to only think of the things I want in my life and if it’s meant to be the universe will bring them to me. It’s easier said than done, but I'm working on it lol

20. "I don't care what you think of me I don't think of you at all"- Coco Chanel

Such a simple but powerful quote by the fabulous Coco Chanel! Don't stop yourself from pursuing what you love because of fear from what others think, if you like to do something then sure feck what others think. We are on this earth once so why waste it not doing what you enjoy?
