Monday, 5 May 2014

The Magic of Quotes on a Rainy Day.

Happy Tuesday everyone. Hope you all had a relaxing and fun Bank Holiday Weekend doing whatever brings you joy:) I had my head in the books unfortunately, but only four more exams left and i'm a free women! 

A habit I've gotten into into recently is looking up a #DailyQuote on my morning bus journey into college. It is incredible how a nice thought at the beginning of the day can set up your mood and outlook for the day.
These are a few of my favourite quotes that get me pumped up for the day ahead and will hopefully get you over the 'dreaded Tuesday' after a bank holiday. LOL!

'Wake up everyday with the thought something amazing is going to happen!'

'Everyday has the potential to be the best day of your life, so why not today?'

Instead of thinking about all the things you don't want to do today such as going to work, going to school, sitting an exam... think of the people you will meet, the memories you could make, the laugh you will have and the experiences you will share with the people around you. Today could be the day you meet the love of your life! Anything is possible:)

'Today you are you that is truer then true, there is no one on earth that is youer then you.'- Dr.Suess
Dr.Suess quotes are just amazing and so full of wisdom. Why worry when you are your absolute perfect self!? No one else can do a better job of being you then you so stop comparing your life to others. 

'Start everyday with a grateful heart' 
We all have something to be grateful for no matter how small! It can be as simple as having shoes on our feet or actually having feet to get us to the places we want to go in life :) When we focus on what we already have and not the things we want the world seems like a brighter, better place. If we stay focused on what we don't have we will never be happy as we are always looking for more but in reality everything we need to be happy is already in our life.

'You are what you do, not what you say you'll do'

'Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life but it'll add life to your years' 

Life is too short to be taken serious all the time so loosen up, do what makes you happy and don't worry or stress about the little things. Everything always works out in the end. We are here once so why waste it worrying. 
I'll finish with one final quote that sums it all up...


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